
Saturday, October 29, 2011



除了邓家林,谁还会在她国中最后一年日日守在路边开车接她回家?除了邓家林,谁还会夜夜凌晨爬起来检查泳琴房间灯是否还亮着,催促她快些睡觉? 除了邓家林,谁还会在每月那几个特别的日子帮泳琴准备红糖热姜水?家林妈妈虽然表面和善,却从不多问泳琴是否有难处。如果没有家林⋯⋯,泳琴也只有家林。 她曾嫌他婆婆妈妈说教不止,又想多花些时间温书,便吵嚷着让家林避嫌。家林刮着她鼻子说,嘿小姑娘几年不见真变成大人了?你穿开裆裤的样子我可还都记得呢。避什么嫌,等你考上大学再说。泳琴一羞,不觉拳脚相向。家林蛮不在意地,继续操扯泳琴的生活,无问巨细。



Wednesday, October 26, 2011



Maya Beiser(s) and her cello(s)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Women in Banking-- Credit Suisse

On monday 17th, I was invited to an event hold by Credit Suisse-- Women in Banking. Have talked to Jefferson, I got a in-depth understanding of different departments of Bank. Roles that people normally talked about like traders, structures, sells makes more sense to me. I was always wondering who are the people in banking, who can become bankers and why some people with high degree in quantitative finance can not even find a job; on the contrary,  people like Geraldine Cox, AM, who claims that she regret she did not obtain a great university degree had once build awesome career in banking.
I believe the world is a very interesting place, and in every region, the social system is much more complex and dynamic for us to explain using a simplified theory. Instead of using chime  academe language, building model, predict and fail, I prefer to understand what is happening intuitively.

Observe yourself, how does your mind work, and how will you choose your daily interaction with people. The concept of self is a great sample for us to test the fact of the world.

During the networking session in Credit Suisse. I begin to find out for banking career, especially private banking, the network is eminently important. Who do you know, who knows you and are you worthy of trust is crucial for every walk of life, every work of career including banking.

Jefferson has advised me that it is better to take a role in investment banking and it is not necessarily for one to be strong in theoretical math to get in. The essence of investment banking is taught, challenging yet create most value and is the most exciting part of banking career. Investment bankers deal with senior management of big enterprise on a daily bases, and therefore their understanding of management and thinking methodology will be vastly different from PB bankers.
Witnessing  the female panelists on board that day, I firmly believe it is true that once you choose a career, you choose a life style. Karen Tan, being a PB banker is much more casual and looks less superb than Lisa, the pretty, skinny, IB professional.

People always wanna know what makes a person successful, and what make a people outstanding. While outstanding and success is a mental thing, rather than visible physical factors can be matured. And the favorable part of this story is we are the one lead our own life. Indeed the success of each individual is embodied in their every moment in life, every movement , choice and experience.

Jerry Ye compare our mind with programming algorithm. True, what makes one successful is ultimately depending on our computing functionality. When we encounter with another instance of 'life', how is our coding functioning to contribute, entertain, engage of  extract useful coding fragment from the other party is what made us, is the essence of our thoughts.

Traveling with D1 NUS shuttle bus, I suddenly feel the notion of 'self' is dissolving. The continuous pain that burned me, like the reason driven me to Singapore, like the conflict between my interest and my major, like the unexplainable up and downs in life, suddenly become crystal clear. I was filled with gratefulness, thinking of the wonderful people I have met in this short life, and the awareness level they brings into my life.

There was a period of vacuum in my brain. All the noises and little talks shuts down. I becomes a open box, empty, waiting for new experience and enlightenment humbly.  The stream of chaos moving around me become subtle, like a image filtered by a SLR Camera.

I am not sure where will I be exactly, and I do not know what will the journey ahead be looked like. While this is what made life beautiful and worth living.
And one more thing is good that I am clear about the direction I am heading to and I believe I am holding the gear. Pray God will bless.

More to look forwards in R/GA, Eon Reality Pte. and a job search in MDA.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011


一直没敢 在校内放的一组艺术照。我很纳闷为什么妈妈说照得不错,一点也不生气我背着她乱玩。



今天在UAR的课上,Daniela 说谁才是这个社会的自由人呢?银行的职员也像奴隶一样地工作着。 早就看穿,我们是被训练的零件,满足这个社会大机器的需求。可悲的是,往往我们越温顺,越渴求满足别人而不是自己,往往越不快乐,也越没有意思。


曾经以为自己会一直做个乖乖女,规矩,乖巧,一路优胜。潜意识里,我负聪明。然而有一天我失去了你,才发现曾经的世界是多么狭小和无趣。 其实,我也有自己的小小疯狂,想要完成的梦想,魂牵梦绕的想法。


最后想说什么呢? 自由是一种思维方式。这是我的生命,我要自由如风。网上和小宇哥说回去拍MV玩。呵呵,假期~ 

Sprachen Sie die Deutsch

准备德语考试,发现同班的学生都很厉害,期待我的德语也能进步快些,复习下German 1的基础,这真的是再基础不过的发音了。重新搞清楚,好好背单词吧!
德语共有5个元音字母 a e i o u 和3个变元音字母ä ö ü 。元音的发音有长音和短音之分。另有复合元音 au,eu (äu), ei(ai,ey,ay) ,复合元音无长短音。
1 在音节元音中后面没有辅音字母时发长音:da du Opa oder
2 在同一音节中元音后只有一个辅音发长音:gut Tat,否则发短音:Mann Bett Mund。
   *例外:das es an
3 元音后有不发音的h时发长音:geht Kuh
4 元音重叠发长音(字母i不重叠,而写成ie):Tee die Boot
5 在非重读音节或词尾时字母e轻读,发成类似“的”中的韵母e的音:bitte bekommen

w 在德语中发成英语中字母v的音,即f对应的浊辅音。
v 一般发成清辅音,在外来词中才发浊辅音。
j 与汉语中“压”的声母相似。
z 与英语的祖母组合ts类似,有点象汉语拼音的声母c。
c 在a,o,u前发k的音,在e,i 前发z的音r 一般通过小舌振动发出小舌音。发不出小舌音可以通过喉头摩擦发音来蒙混过关。
x 发成ks的音
y 与j相同。但也可以做元音发成ü。如果辅音字母有相应的清辅音,则当其后没有元音时,该字母要发成相应的清辅音。 
ch 在a o u au 后发成[x],与h有些象,但绝对不是h;在e i 后发成[ç],类似汉语的“西”,但也不真是。(yo: 这个真的很纠结,老师上课讲的时候引用星球大战,全班笑死。
chs 发成ks的音
ds,ts,tz 均发成z的音,即音标[ts]。
dt,th 发成 t 的音。
-ig 在词尾或辅音前发成ich的音。
ph 发成f的音。
qu 发成kw的音,即[kv]。
ss 或ß 永远发清音。
sch 发成类似汉语拼音声母sh(“师”)的音。
sp,st 中的s发成sch的音。
tsch 发成类似汉语“吃”的音。


Abend, Name, da

kamm, Mann, Tanta, an
aa, ah
Maat, Naab, Fahne, Bahn
Bär, Käfer


Ähre, nähen

eben, Meter

Teller, essen

Dame, bekannt, gelten
ee, eh
Beet, Kaffee, fehlen, Mehl

Tiger, Kamin, gibt

nimmt, immer, im, Kind,
ie, ih, ieh
nie, Miete, ihm, ihnen

Oper, Foto, Tor,

Sonne, kommen, oft, ob
oo, oh
Boot, Moos, Kohle, wohnen, ohne
Löwe, lösen,

Löffel, öffnen, zwölf, möchten
öh, oe
Söhne, Goethe

Mut, gut, du,

dumm, Mund, unten, und
Kuh, Uhr
Tür, über, süß

fünf, dünn, Füller
üh, y
Typ, Analyse, anonym
System, Symbol, Ägypten

1. 字母b, d, g在音节词尾发[p], [t], [k]: ab, gab, Dieb, Mund, und, Tag, mag
2. -er在词末非重读音节中读[r]: Lehrer, Mutter,
3. 字母v在德语民族词中读[f]vier, Vater, von, Motiv.
  字母v在外来词中读[v]: Villa, Motive, Visum
4. 字母s在元音前读[z]: sie, See, Hose, lesen
5.  z, ts, dz, tz都发[ts]zehn, Tanz, Platz, putzen, Rätsel, nichts, abends, Landsmann
6.  x, chs, ks都发[ks]: Text, Marx, sechs, wachsen, links, Koks

ei, ai,
Ei, ein, dein, Mai, Kai
Baum, laut, Haus
eu, äu
neun, Eule, neu, Häuser, Mäuse, säumen
e, i, eu, äu, ä, ö, ü,和所有辅音后面:dich, Recht, feucht, Chemie

a, o, u, au后面:acht, noch, Buch, suchen

外来词汇:Chor, Character,