
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The power of give and listen

:: Give ::
Finally I mounted all my courage to meet my dean.

I saw my academic supervisor right out of the corridor. He frowned his eye browns, with a angry look. I am sorry to say so, but I have never had a good experience with him. That's maybe because he made me project some bad memories.

In contrast, I feel a loving glow in T's room. His NUS striped tie hanging at the back of the door, made me thought of dad.

After half an hour's talk, my burdened heart seems relieved. I have never thought he would like to supervise the project our team is working on. I felt so grateful for his surport, at the same time gained more confidence in the passion we have for music.

It is never easy, but I think if we can get people more connected through music, what a better world it will be? Good quality is not about $, while people are willingly paying for good quality.

:: Listening::

Sending messages on linked in to E. I am amazed seeing his profile. Such a accomplished person! I enjoyed reading his recommendation to one NUS student, specifically he mentioned her listening skills. Although I got 180 in Mensa test and rated at 99% of the population, I felt there are much more I can improve if I can pay more attention to listening and details.

Stay humble, keep learning.

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