1. 形式更加多样:
4. 应用广泛:
6. Start-up 必备:
7. 传统传媒的新方向:
对自己人生的期待,总共那么几个。今天遇到了来自加利福尼亚UC的Jay, 他主攻美国及亚洲关系,并且希望以电影的方式来传播自己的观点。我和他简要阐述了自己的兴趣。喜欢电影,但是担心新加坡市场不够好,去美国不易融入主流,等等。他说电影真正需要的是一个好故事,去学校接受专门的训练当然是好的,可是作为爱好其实有很多可以直接上手来做。
不知道是不是人以类聚,最近身边出现越来越多学媒体或film的人。希望这种inspiration可以持续。All in all 我想说的是,网络也将是视频传播的最大平台,而现在无论是摄影或录制技术都离不开电脑的后期制作。在某些minor 的角度,对code,文件格式,电脑图像,屏幕等等的进一步了解,对我的梦有利无害。
是否是我太过木讷,直到今天才明白这互联网给我们带来的真正自由。我拥抱这自由,同时激动得热泪盈眶。简而言之,在花了一段时间学习adobe photoshop,fianl cut pro, dreamweavwer, premier 之后,也许是时候进一步深入,去探索digital Media的奇妙世界。
1. Learn HTML
HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the markup language for web pages, it is the heart of web pages, so this is what you should aim first. HTML is easy to learn, but it is also easy to misuse them. Learn it right, and you’ll get one of your fundamental as web developer.
Getting started with HTML
HTML W3C school tutorial
2. Learn server side scripting
Learning server side scripting is fundamental for web developer, pick one of server side scripting language and try to master it. Here some of your choices :
3. Learn SQL
Building dynamic web pages will get you to learn about database. While there are so many database engine, most of them understand SQL language. If you want to speak with your database then learn this language.
SQL W3C school tutorials
MySQL Homepage
Wikipedia on SQL
4. Learn CSS
When it come to presentation of your web pages, use stylesheet. This is where CSS will help you. So put some of your time to learn this stuff.
CSS Zen Garden
5. Learn Javascript
While most of today web programmer love jQuery, learning basic syntax and how to program in javascript will give you more skill in the long run.
Javascript tutorial on Webmonkey.com
Javascript W3C school tutorial
6. Learn regular expression
While it is not as important as the others, but knowing about regular expression, and how to use it will definitely save you a lot of time. From validation to highlight words, you can do it easy enough in regular expression.
7. Get yourself basic knowledge of UNIX/Linux
It is optional, but knowing some of basic linux command won’t hurt you. Maybe you don’t know, but most of web server is running on unix/linux platform. If I were you, I’ll get started learning this basic command.
8. Knowing web server
You don’t need to be a master on this part, but it is really nice to know about basic apache configuration, .htaccess tricks. Learning one or two about apache web server won’t waste your time.
9. Get a hand on version control
Learning on how to use version control is one good thing to do. You’ll thank to for yourself for learning this.
10. Learn web framework
After get your hand on HTML, server side scripting language, css, javascript, then it’d be better to choose a web framework to speed up your development. Using framework can save you time. If you’re into PHP, you can go with CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Zend, and many more. Python lovers can go withDjango, webpy, RoR for Ruby programmers.
For those of us who are already web developers it may seem obvious but when you just getting started and don’t know what to do, it is nice to have guide where to start.
1. Learn HTML
HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the markup language for web pages, it is the heart of web pages, so this is what you should aim first. HTML is easy to learn, but it is also easy to misuse them. Learn it right, and you’ll get one of your fundamental as web developer.
Getting started with HTML
HTML W3C school tutorial
2. Learn server side scripting
Learning server side scripting is fundamental for web developer, pick one of server side scripting language and try to master it. Here some of your choices :
3. Learn SQL
Building dynamic web pages will get you to learn about database. While there are so many database engine, most of them understand SQL language. If you want to speak with your database then learn this language.
SQL W3C school tutorials
MySQL Homepage
Wikipedia on SQL
4. Learn CSS
When it come to presentation of your web pages, use stylesheet. This is where CSS will help you. So put some of your time to learn this stuff.
CSS Zen Garden
5. Learn Javascript
While most of today web programmer love jQuery, learning basic syntax and how to program in javascript will give you more skill in the long run.
Javascript tutorial on Webmonkey.com
Javascript W3C school tutorial
6. Learn regular expression
While it is not as important as the others, but knowing about regular expression, and how to use it will definitely save you a lot of time. From validation to highlight words, you can do it easy enough in regular expression.
7. Get yourself basic knowledge of UNIX/Linux
It is optional, but knowing some of basic linux command won’t hurt you. Maybe you don’t know, but most of web server is running on unix/linux platform. If I were you, I’ll get started learning this basic command.
8. Knowing web server
You don’t need to be a master on this part, but it is really nice to know about basic apache configuration, .htaccess tricks. Learning one or two about apache web server won’t waste your time.
9. Get a hand on version control
Learning on how to use version control is one good thing to do. You’ll thank to for yourself for learning this.
10. Learn web framework
After get your hand on HTML, server side scripting language, css, javascript, then it’d be better to choose a web framework to speed up your development. Using framework can save you time. If you’re into PHP, you can go with CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Zend, and many more. Python lovers can go withDjango, webpy, RoR for Ruby programmers.